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Lucy & Gizmo


Standard Size- 45-60 lbs

Born 12/9/20

8 puppies

4 girls, 4 boys


Pictures updated 1/21/21​


All puppies are with their new families!

Screech- black tri male
13oz at birth
current weight 5lb 10oz
Chosen by the Alderman family
Slater- red tri male NBT
14oz at birth
current weight 5lb 6oz
Chosen by the Hudzinski family
Tori- blue merle female
12.4oz at birth
current weight 4lb 11oz
Chosen by the Gaffney family
Jessie- black tri female NBT
(possible atypical merle or agouti coat)
10oz at birth
current weight 4lb 3.4oz
Chosen by the Lemmon/Garland family.
Kelly- blue merle female
13oz at birth
current weight 4lb 6.5oz
Chosen by the Maystruk family
Lisa- black tri female NBT
12.5oz at birth
current weight 4lb 2oz
Chosen by the Turner family.
Zack- blue merle male NBT
11.4oz at birth
current weight 4lb 2oz
Chosen by the Mercer family
Mr. Belding- red merle male NBT
13oz at birth
current weight 4lb 6oz
Chosen by the Fisher family

NBT- natural bob tail

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